ShoHan Professional

Hair Dye Manufacturer and Supplier - Product Features

No Ammonia

No ammonia so no harsh smell. Does not require peroxide for application, so no bad odour. Pleasant smell during application and post application.​

Water Activated

Water Activated

Simply Add Water, mix and apply,only hair color type that does not require developer or peroxide for application.

No Peroxide

No peroxide so no harm to hair root and shoot. No bad odour.

Built In Conditioner

Has built in conditioner to leave your hair conditioned and shining.


Can be used by any gender.

Curling Iron Safe

No affect to color by heat from curling irons, etc.

Does Not Stain

Can be easily removed from skin and coloured hair will not dirty collars or pillows.


Prevents waste. Use what quantity is required, and rest can be used in future again.

Long Lasting

Beautiful & true-to-life color which lasts up till 45 days

How To Use

Protecting Yourself

Always wear protective gloves and apply a conditioner or petroleum jelly around the hairline and top of the ears to help prevent staining

Poweder Hair Dye Mixer

Pour powder from the bottle into a suitable vessel, a cup or saucer. Mix water as indicated in the instruction manual enclosed with 6 grms powder .

mix it thoroughly till it becomes a soft paste

Then, mix it thoroughly till it becomes a soft paste. No warming and boiling should be done.

applied to your hair starting from roots

This paste is to be applied to your hair starting from roots. A comb or tooth brush is a suitable applicator for this operation.

hair dye wash it with your regular shampoo

About 20 to 40 minutes after this application, wash it with your regular shampoo.

coloured and conditioned with natural glossiness

Your hair is now coloured and conditioned with natural glossiness.

Note : Wipe off stains on skin or along hairline with a swab of cotton as soon as they appear.

Important : Please do not use extra quantity of water than the quantity indicated above. For best results use on clean hair.

Caution: This product contains ingredients which may cause skin irritation on certain individuals and a preliminary test according to accompanying directions should first be made. This product must not be used for colouring the eyelashes or eyebrows : to do so may cause blindness


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